April 9, 2017 – SIG-Computing: Intro to Manufacturing Robotics, SIG-Linux: Linux Monitoring Landscape

General Announcements

Mike Bader, president of SEMCO, will start the meeting and make general announcements.
When: Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Topic: Intro to Manufacturing Robotics

Brad Triden and Nathan Barhorst will be our presenters. Robotics is a broad term describing a machine that carries out a complex sequence of tasks.  In this discussion, we will cover some of the modern day applications of robots in general, and discuss specifically on how robots are utilized in the manufacturing world.  We will also discuss some of the emerging robotic technologies that are becoming more common place in the industry such as safety systems, vision, and autonomous vehicles.

Brad and Nathan each have 17 years of industry experience working with robots and manufacturing software. They have worked on a diverse set of software applications ranging from PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers), robot systems, custom application software, to various other industrial computers/controllers. Today they work in the Research & Development division at DASSAULT SYSTEMES – DELMIA, who creates engineering software applications targeted at everyone in the manufacturing sector.

Also: Questions and Answers following the presentation and during the social period before the SIG-Linux meeting. Snacks available during the social period.
When: Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 1:45 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Linux Monitoring Landscape:

Our current SIG-Linux Chair Sharan Kalwani will share a bird eye view of various Linux (and UNIX) based monitoring tools and suites.
Surprisingly there are numerous tools out there, many open source, a few proprietary ones as well. Some of these will include: Xymon (formerly known as Big Brother), NAGIOS, Zabbix, ganglia, Munin, Monit  and a few others. Each tools itself can qualify for a demanding 4 to 6 hours worth of detailed examination, so we will limit ourselves to the outstanding features of each. There are both stand alone monitoring and distributed monitoring categories, so bring your seat belts.

At the same SIG-Linux meeting in April (beginning at 4:00 P.M.), attendees should bring a number of presentation ideas for future SIG-Linux discussions, demos and presentations – one particular topic the current SIG-Chair hopes to have is: “Various Linux Distros”. In May 2017, we hope to have an open and participatory discussion on: “Net Neutrality – pros and cons”, so reflect on this and bring your thoughts.

However SIG-Linux is driven by ideas *and participation* from the membership. So bring your suggestions ideas to the next meeting in April,
(or feel free to post them to the semco.org website discussion area), Email works too!

When: Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 4:00 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Free Wi-Fi available. Our thanks to Altair Engineering, Inc. for providing our meeting space!

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